0007: The Leg

30-Day Minimalism Challenge, Day One

Day 1, one item. 

About two years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a conference by and for people of color. I did not attend alone, there were many other colleagues from my college. After a long day attending panels and networking with other attendees, my colleagues and I would go out to dinner and then for a couple of drinks. 

Since we were in Portland, OR we decided to attend the famous Darcelle XV drag show. Darcelle has been certified by the Guinness World of Records as the oldest and longest living drag queen entertainer in the West Coast.

The excitement to be at that show plus the happiness I felt being surrounded by colleagues I respect and admire is immeasurable. The experience itself brings a smile to my face and makes me wish I was back there again. 

At the top of the show, we bought drinks and one of the special drinks is a Darcelle Leg, which is very pricey, mind you, but something “one must have” because the leg itself is the container of your preferred elixir, and you get to keep the leg as a memento and use it as a piggy bank. So needless to say, I bought my Darcelle Leg, I drank my elixir, and many others, and I enjoyed the show. 

This happened two years ago. And since then, “the leg” has been on one of my bookshelves, just there, taking space, and accumulating dust as you can see in the image above.

I have tried to get rid of it, but I always convinced myself otherwise by saying, “No, it’s a cool thing to have.” But, is it really a cool thing to have? Yes, it reminds me of the experience I had but, honestly, I don’t need “the leg” to remember the good time I had. Once in a while my colleagues and I talk about the great time we had a the Darcelle XV show and “the leg” is not there to remind me of it. So really, “the leg” is not necessary. Continuing making memories with my colleagues, however, is. 

Leg, you actually served your purposed the night I drank that elixir; I just didn’t realize it until now. So, I thank you and bye-bye.


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