Part IV
Second Year of Graduate School—Spring Semester 06
The semester started slow. The only project I had was the reading of my “thesis” play. The play is called “LLORONAS” and it is based on the Mexican folklore story of “The Weeping Woman.”
Ah, yes, by the end of the fall semester, I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with another famous playwright: Susan-Lori Parks. She was a hoot and a very good advisor when it came to help me sort out a few things with my some of my plays.
Nothing very exciting has happened during the semester, except having Ross LeMann (Rush Hour, Rush Hour 2, Rush Hour 3-in postproduction) come to my screenwriting class and evaluate our work.
Outside school, I loved the fact that I was able to participate in Phoenix’s Gay Parade. I marched with my fraternity.
And this entry brings us to the present. The reading of my play still going on and the semester is about to end. Exciting things will happen before the semester ends and over the summer. As they happen, I will be able to write about them so always come back and check this out.
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