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A personal place where I talk about my life as a Latino gay artist, as an immigrant, as an educator, a playwright, a man, and a human being.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

5 miles away from Oaxaca City and high in a mountaintop we found MONTE ALBAN, once the main capital of the Zapotecs. The Ruins extend over the peaks of 3 mountain ranges that converge in Oaxaca’s central valley at an altitude of about 5200 ft. There are lots of codices, which for the first time I saw face to face instead of looking at them in books. It was a very overwhelming experience.

2 kilómetros y medio fuera de la ciudad y en lo alto de un gran cerro se encuentra MONTE ALBAN, que en su tiempo era la gran ciudad capital de los Zapotecas. Las ruinas se extienden a lo largo de grandes planadas de varias montañas a una altura de 1,600 metros. Existen grandes códices que por primera vez miré en persona en lugar de verlos en un libro. Las emociones son inexplicables.


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